Saturday, March 30, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Summer Events In New York, 2019

I hope everyone is enjoying the spring so far. Summer is not too far away. The Museum Mile Festival on Fifth Avenue, Wall to Wall John Coltrane at the Symphony Space Theatre (an eight-hour event), and the Stonewall 50 celebration are among the summer events I'm looking forward to.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring Has Finally Arrived!

Hooray! Today is the first day of spring, my second favorite season, after summer. Happy days are here again, folks!!

It's a good time to do some house cleaning and decluttering as well as catching up on some reading, especially on rainy, dreary days.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Traveling By Bus On Dark Riverside Drive

A cautionary note: this blog post may be too New York-centric, unless you plan to visit soon and use our mass transit system.

On my way home from grocery shopping at the Target store in East Harlem on January 19, I took the crosstown M116 bus that travels along 116th Street to the West Side, where I live. The bus had a video screen mounted to the roof that faced the passengers and announced all of the stops both visually and by automated voice (female) as well as what buses and subways to transfer to.

I was hoping that the M5 bus, which I take often and that goes up Riverside Drive, would have similar screens installed.Some of these buses had roof-attached screens but they did not display transit and stop information;others didn't have the screens at all.The ones that did only featured info that told riders about bus etiquette such as not putting one's feet on the seats or not talking too loudly on their cell phone.

The thing that concerns me the most is that the street corners on the Riverside Drive route is so dark it's hard to read street signs from inside the bus. And since the drivers frequently fail to announce the stops, the on board message screens would be a big remedy to this problem.

Another remedy would be placing lighted cross street-name signs on Riverside Drive like the ones in the 34th Street/Herald Square area. Maybe the people who live in the buildings along Riverside Drive are too hoity-toity to have such signs on street corners.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Winning The Lottery Is A Blessing And A Curse

Ric Edelman, the personal finance expert, on his Sunday morning show in October 2018 on New York's WCBS News Radio Eight-Eighty spoke about the headaches that come with winning the lottery: greedy relatives, relatives you didn't know you had, resentful co-workers, criminals who will know your identity and location, the need to hire security personnel, etc. And if you decide to give the money to friends and relatives, there is a hefty gift tax you have to pay. So winning the lottery can be both a blessing and a curse.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Inside The Trump White House

I recently finished reading Bob Woodward's Fear: Trump in the White House (Simon & Schuster). I had a hard time putting it down. Woodward's reporting highlighted the turmoil in the White House since Trump's occupancy: the backstabbing and backbiting among members of his administration; Trump's profanity-laced rants; Trump's flip-flopping on issues; the seemingly endless personnel changes, etc. The reader's impression would be that the Trump administration is something out of a movie written and directed by Mel Brooks.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Carol Channing's Secret Racial Heritage

"In her 2002 autobiography, 'Just Lucky I Guess,' Ms. [Carol] Channing," wrote the New York Times,"revealed that when she was 16 her mother told her that her father was part black;she kept her racial heritage a secret, she wrote, for fear that it would be bad for her career."(Carol Channing, who died recently at age 97, was a Broadway musical star. She is best known for her role as Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly.)

I wonder if  Carol Channing had ever been approached by professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. to appear on his public television series Finding Your Roots to discover more about her father's side of the family.

Saturday, March 2, 2019



Note: March is Women's History Month.